The Genius of Jacque Henri Lartigue

Michael Hoppen, A Rabbit's Foot, May 23, 2023

For the 4th issue of A Rabbit's Foot, Michael Hoppen was invited to write an essay about his favourite photographer of all time, the great Jacques Henri Lartigue.


The Genius of Jacques Henri Lartigue

"I have often said that if I had to choose just one photographer-if you like, my desert island photographer-it could only ever be Jacques Henri Lartigue. 
As a young boy, I visited his exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris in 1977. It was the very first photography exhibition I had ever seen, and its effects have stayed with me ever since. His images estill give me more succour than almost anyone else I can think of. How can a man, who I never met, still have such a profound effect on my senses, even after all these years and after having seen more photography than I probably should have! His timeless and perfect pictures still charm and captivate me, and I can still smell and taste the sweetness of a Lartigue photograph-and what a unique flavour they have...."